I got this news from a blogger friend(Thank You!)
Please pass this on to your friends who might have plans of traveling to Saudi Arabia.
Mabuti na ang nag-iingat.
Please be advised that all Airports in Saudi Arabia have a new rule regarding arriving Overseas workers carrying electronic devices. This has not been published to the public, but please advice all our workers who are traveling to K.S.A.
All Electronic devices will be submitted for check up before immigration section.
Devices includes Cellular phones with camera and memory card, flashdisks, external hard drive, Laptaps / notebooks / pc, ipod, itouch, mp3 players with memory cards.
A special USB device will be inserted to the electonic devices that you are carrying. This special device can scan all videos and pictures, jpg, bmp, avi, etc, contents of your laptop / cellphones, and will be recorded to their main computer.
All devices with nude pictures will be confiscated immediately. There will be no fines, and refusal will be sent to jail and deportation.
Laptops with pirated softwares will also be confiscated.
This rule has been applied and is being practiced in Riyadh , Dammam and Jeddah Airports . This is excluding Bahrain airport.
FYI, the special device was invented by a Filipino.
Kindly include this in your orientation with the workers and tell them not to bring any pirated softwares, movies, or nude pictures. Even datas that are hidden can be found by this device, so tell them not to bring any at all. The laptap of one of my friend, a Sony Viao, which cost around 8T SR, was confiscated a few days ago, because of 1 semi nude picture that he forgot to erase.